Adventure Travel Cambodia is a local tour agency which was started by a group of English speaking university students who are local residents, grew up and went to school in the rural town of Kratie which is located along the Mekong River.
“We started as a team of street guides in 2006 with a passion to get travelers off the beaten track to uncluttered areas along the beautiful Mekong River, to surrounding mountains, forest and waterfalls. As we are local residents, we grew up and went to school in the countryside. We are local residents and no-one knows the region especially northeast area quite like us, as no other company has explored in such depth to the real life of Cambodian people. We take a great pride in our home and community. We wanted to share our special places we know and introduce our guests to different cultures and ways of life. We also follow the Mekong Discovery Trail.
We want to develop our own community, help protect the rare fresh water Irrawaddy dolphin, and support another endangered species, the Mekong shoftshell turtle conservation project. Working as tour guides in eco-tourism has been a great experience for us. We have had the chance to meet many people from all over the world.
So far we have developed projects to help and support local families and the community both directly (home-stays) and indirectly ( promoting the endangered Mekong dolphins, … ). We wanted all travelers to have fun, have an authentic experience from our original tours with the difference, meet people, learn things, explore, and do stuff they could never do at home.”
— Sithy Heng
We also offer THEMATIC TRIP that allow you to explore Cambodia in a very special way with a specialist, a personality or a teacher as an accompanist for each theme presented. Often presented themes: Photography, Videography, Resourcing, Retreat for business people, Religious festival or Particular festival.